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Terms and conditions of sale

Last updated on 04/17/2022

1. General provisions

1.1 - Acceptance

The purchaser declares that he/she has read the general terms and conditions of sale before placing an order, and that he/she accepts them without reservation. Any order implies acceptance of the general sales conditions in force.

1.2 - Purpose

The present general conditions of sale establish the contractual conditions exclusively applicable to any purchase made on our website by any buyer having the status of consumer.

1.3 - Scope of application

The present contractual provisions only apply to services invoiced to buyers established in metropolitan France.

1.4 - Contractual terms

The present contractual provisions only apply to services invoiced to buyers established in metropolitan France.

1.5 - Modification of the GCS

IFAC reserves the right to modify its terms and conditions of sale at any time. The general conditions of sale applicable are those in force at the date of the order placed by the purchaser. However, IFAC reserves the right to modify one or more clauses of the general terms and conditions of sale after an order has been placed, by sending a simple written notice to the consumer and on condition that the consumer, duly warned, has not expressed his disagreement within a period of seven days.

2. Orders

2.1 - Definitive nature of the order

The online registration and order is a firm and final commitment of the parties subject to the refusal of the order by IFAC expressed within 10 days following the online registration.

2.2 - Availability of courses

Courses are limited to the number of places available, i.e. eight people. IFAC reserves the right to register a ninth and tenth person on a waiting list. If there are no places available on the dates requested by the customer, or if a minimum of four trainees are not registered on these dates, IFAC will propose two new course dates.

2.3 - Internship conditions

Courses will be held on condition that a minimum of four trainees are present five days before the course date. Should this not be the case, the trainee will be offered the possibility of postponing the course to a later date, or failing agreement, the trainee may be reimbursed if the new dates proposed are not accepted by the customer.

2.4 - Order modification

Modification of the order by the purchaser: As orders are final and irrevocable, any request for modification of the order (date, availability, etc.) by the purchaser is subject to acceptance by IFAC. Modification of the order by IFAC: IFAC undertakes to carry out a course in accordance with the descriptions. However, IFAC may make changes to the course in line with the technical evolution of the equipment.

2.5 - Order validity

L’acheteur, qui souhaite acheter un stage doit obligatoirement : Remplir la fiche d’identification sur laquelle il indiquera toutes les coordonnées demandées ; Accepter les conditions générales de vente ; Valider sa commande après l’avoir vérifiée ; Effectuer le paiement dans les conditions prévues ; La confirmation de la commande entraîne acceptation des présentes conditions de vente, la reconnaissance d’en avoir parfaite connaissance et la renonciation à se prévaloir de ses propres conditions d’achat ou d’autres conditions. L’ensemble des données fournies et la confirmation enregistrée fera preuve de l’acceptation de la prestation. La confirmation vaudra signature et acceptation des opérations effectuées. IFAC communiquera par courrier électronique confirmation de la commande enregistrée

2.6 - Termination or cancellation of the order

Purchasers, non-professional individuals, benefit from a fourteen (14) day retraction period from the date of the order for exchange or reimbursement without penalty. IFAC may cancel the order if the conditions for carrying out the course (availability or insufficient number of people on the proposed dates) are not met, or in the event of force majeure.

3. Prices

3.1 - Sales prices

The sales price of the course is that in force on the day the order is placed. The sales price includes all taxes in Euros and VAT applicable on the day the order is placed. In the event of a promotional price, IFAC undertakes to apply this price to all orders placed during the promotional advertising period.

3.2 - Price changes

IFAC reserves the right to modify prices at any time. In the event of a price increase after the order has been placed, IFAC undertakes to apply the prices in force on the day the order is placed.

4. Payment of the price

4.1 - Payability

The deposit is payable at the time of order. The balance is due on the day of the course. Payments will be made by credit card, using the 3D secure system, which uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol, so that information transmitted is encrypted by software and cannot be read by any third party during transport over the network.

4.2 - Payment methods

The deposit is payable online by credit card. The balance is payable on site, on the day of the course, by cheque or cash.

4.3 - Default of payment

In the event of non-payment, IFAC reserves the right to take legal action to obtain payment of the sums due after formal notice has been served without success within 6 days. No extension of payment will be granted without IFAC's agreement.

5. Liability

IFAC, in the online sales process, is only bound by an obligation of means; it cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from the use of the Internet network such as loss of data, intrusion, virus, service interruption, or other involuntary difficulties on the part of the service provider.

6. Intellectual property

No one is authorized to reproduce, exploit, rebroadcast, or use for any purpose whatsoever, even partially, elements of the site whether software, visual or sound. Any simple link or hypertext link is strictly forbidden without the express written consent of IFAC. All elements of the website are and remain the exclusive intellectual property of IFAC.

7. Personal data

IFAC se réserve le droit de collecter des informations sur les acheteurs y compris en utilisant des cookies. The automated processing of information, including the management of e-mail addresses of users of the site has been declared to the CNIL on July 10, 2014 registered under number 1781063 v 0 Users have the right to access and rectify data concerning them, in accordance with the law of January 6, 1978. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, nominative information concerning purchasers may be subject to automated processing..

8. Archiving - Proof

The computerized records of IFAC will be considered by the parties as proof of communications, orders, payments and transactions between the parties. IFAC will archive registration forms and invoices on a reliable and durable medium constituting a faithful copy in accordance with the provisions of Article 1348 of the Civil Code.

9. Settlement of disputes

These online sales conditions are governed by French law.

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